West Penn Wire Blog

Category 7- Greater connection for great bandwidth

Posted by Samantha Bante on Jul 7, 2017 10:00:00 AM

You requested. We've delivered. 

West Penn Wire has recently expanded our already extensive Category Cable breadth to now include Category 7 S/FTP Twisted Pair cables.

Category 7 cables help to meet the demand for the growing presence of IP access points and networking security applications exceeding speeds of 10 Gigabits networking (10G) bandwidths of up to 600 MHz.


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Topics: Low Voltage Cables, Category 7 Cable, Category Cable, Cat7, New product

Aquaseal- the Industry's Original Water Resistant Cable

Posted by Samantha Bante on May 19, 2017 5:00:00 PM

With the communication industry consistently  growing, it is best to be prepared for any environmental factors. From direct sunlight factors to wet locations, a reliable connection cannot afford to be overlooked.

For those locations; the industry’s original water resistant, water blocking low-voltage cable- Aquaseal cable, has become the recognized name for indoor/outdoor applications.

What is considered a Wet Location?

Wet locations occur in areas where direct burial in the ground, in conduit that is located below grade or any time the cable is passing through the concrete slab. These are areas where water, humidity or liquid saturation is possible- regions that are regularly exposed to the elements.

So how does it work?

Aquaseal low-voltage cable consists of a 2-ply tape on the inner shielded pairs which is virtually impenetrable. As well as a .025 inch sunlight resistant and moisture resistant jacket. Aquaseal contains this material, so when the water penetrates the cable, the 2-ply tape expands to protect the cables and connections.

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Topics: In-Conduit, Aquaseal, Wet Location, Low Voltage Cables, Wet Location Cables

What are the benefits of Aquaseal & Wet Location Cables?

Posted by Samantha Bante on May 3, 2017 4:30:00 PM

In some situations, where moisture or direct sunlight may be an issue, you need more than a standard Low Voltage Cable. Those situations are tailor made for West Penn Wire's line of Aquaseal cables. Aquaseal has a strong history of use for applications where you need to run cable from one building to another either via direct burial or in-condiut and with Aquaseal there is no need to transition once you go back inside as they are suitable for both outdoor and indoor applications. As with all of the quality cables from West Penn Wire; the Aquaseal line maintains the full host of applicable UL ratings.

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Topics: In-Conduit, Aquaseal, Low Voltage Cables, Wet Location Cables

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